A creator owned series from the late 90's with Dan Raspler published by DC Comics. This was also real lesson in watching what you wish for: as this book completely consumed my life for 2 years as I struggled as a younger artist to keep to a monthly schedule. I did learn A TON working on this series and made some lifelong friendships as well.
I do miss these guys and every once in a while make a run at a reboot attempt with them. The original designs from the late 90's are at the bottom.
This is the latest attempt, which ended up with me having the realization that I might have to let this sleeping dog lie and focus on making new stuff for now.
A really great interactive comic based on Sherlock Holmes for iOS (Android version coming soon). A really wonderful project!
This was a pretty fun project- unfortunately, timing wasn't on my side with this one and I had to drop out, but the concept was Scooby Doo with Cosplayers.
An all ages, fun concept that I hope makes the light of day at some point, and I know I'll be kicking myself for dropping out from it.
Roughs for a really fun hidden object game starring a kid with a wild imagination named Seymour who will sees a random mess as an opportunity for great adventure… Much to the terror of his parents.
Available here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/seymours-world/id1228248916
Ideas, Scribblings and Development Art from a number of games unannounced and unreleased.