Work from a 48 page, co-creator owned book called Zombie Camp with writer Frank Hannah
An all ages series centered around a camp zombie parents send their zombie kids to in preparation for the looming human apocalypse!
Skills like ‘Hoard Shuffling’, “Tree Hiding’ and ‘How NOT to stand out in a crowd’. A place where ‘The fun never dies!’
More info at Zombie Camp
A short story pencilled, inked and gray toned for Eerie Comics.
A dream come true.
Written by Landry Walker
The first story ever done of our intrepid hero, Frankie. I got excited about telling a story where the Reader could get into the head of the Hero in any situation and in this case, a situation where he has no vocal chords which makes him a lousy investigator. The first of a couple of excuses for Keith and I to goof around making comics.
Written by Keith Champagne
One of the stories found in the Monstertown P.I. Comic
...A GRIMM tale about a mixed up dame, a wrongful death and a Werewolf in boxers.
One of the stories found in the Monstertown P.I. Comic
An old yarn featuring our hero meeting a mysterious Sailor Man on a dark and stormy night...
A delicious mess written my old pal Keith Champagne and art chores by me.
One of the stories found in the Monstertown P.I. Comic
From a Creator Owned series called Young Heroes in Love for DC Comics from THE TURN OF THE CENTURY.
I miss drawing these guys a lot.
Of the 18 issue run, this one was one of my favorites as one of my first requests we put in for other DC was Scarecrow. I thought an interesting way for folks to get to know these new characters might be by what they're afraid of. That, and The Scarecrow is such a fun guy to draw.